Three photo kind of day

Nothing really amazing to report today. I remember parts of an incredibly long story made up told by my 5 year old as we drove to and from school. He's created a story about a nocturnal man and today he introduced his twin brothers Fravel and Fravel. He then continued, talking faster than you can imagine, on about the twins and their other cousin Frivel. It's so hard to keep a straight face, and I do absolutely love every minute.

My sinuses are a mess, so it's on to some homeopathic remedies. Let's hope for the best.

This image is just one of three I managed to snap early this morning on the way back to work from dropping my son. I tried to jazz it up a bit but am annoyed that my polarizing filter has nearly bit the dust. I've noticed more and more weirdness the last few weeks from strange sun spots to a big, dark blah on the sky. Shows me for buying cheap.

Cheers to a Monday down!

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