
By Viewpoint

Book Club

A busy day today at work and a very early wake-up so more about the book in the morning. I'm always better at putting words together in the morning.

I wonder if everyone has their favourite episodes in this book but actually find vignettes that are more satisfying than the whole. Mine was the Damien Hirst like character who is catering cynically to the market and the rich city of London types. I thought Sebastian Faulks does this wonderfully.

The book explores obsession with money, the greed of the city, religious fundamentalism and sets this against the lives of a number of people who live in England, mainly in London. I was trying to work out why some of this is deeply unsatisfying and I think one of the reviews was spot on when it says we never ever identify with any one person in the book. It moves on so quickly to the next person and the next. There's little wonder the book reviewers were unhappy as Faulks' satire in relation to the book critic is at its most ascerbic.

I'd be interested to hear what others think about the book.

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