
By PlanW

I Haven't Been Myself Of Late

I Haven't Slept For Several Days*

FFS, What's going on? Sleep patterns been shot to pieces since my return fae Mexico. I can usually sleep anywhere, peg me on the line I'd soon drop off (ha ha).

I started to nod off at about 8pm this evening so packed myself off to BoBo's at 9pm ... had a v bizarre dream about having to get up and woke up at the appointed hour (12.00 real-time, 5am dream-time) and now it's bloody 3.45.

So far, I've put the bins out, scoured the soup pan, 3-point-turned the car so it's pointing the right way in the morning (morning???), looked up my cinema card for tomorrow (tonight) night, looked out my travel insurance to see if I can claim for my lost passport (can't, under subsection of the Sanity Clause), looked at the Sunday supplements, made a cup of tea, had a bag of hula hoops, took a photo of the clock (no sh*t), listened to a 2007 podcast of radio-godlike-genius Danny Baker (not conducive to sleep, too funny), listened to Leaders Of The Free World, Elbow and finally blipped.

Only 3 hours to getting up time.

Station Approach, Elbow, 2005

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