Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

A chocolatey message

Cabin fever with a capital CF
Eldest still off sick but think she has turned the corner today.
I had tried to distract and speed her recovery her the last two days with a little trip out and fresh air , it didn't work. Today I decided to go for the complete day of rest.
By three o clock she looked at me and said " I am so bored " .
This was our scream for help. You know it's bad when you are amusing yourself with chocolate art!
Save our Souls/ Seriously Overused Smarties
She is ready to back to school , I am ready to go back to work
SOS got me thinking of the ABBA song of the same name and the Mamma Mia CD had been unearthed again this evening .
Who says the only things certain in life are death and taxes ? There's always ABBA and chocolate to lift the mood, and this evening the selection box remains may even get eaten rather than just played with ( I say " remains ", we have about ten boxes left- party at ours, you are all welcome ! )
Merry Wednesday .

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