
By middleman


Made it to bed before midnight last night for the first time in weeks. And, despite being up in the night a couple of times with unsettled still-off-school daughter felt pretty good at work this morning. But swimming afterwards, oh jeez... it was the usual time spent in the pool, the usual required number of lengths but such a struggle. Probably the most exhausted post-swim that I've felt for a long long time. It's very rare that I just sit there and recuperate, but today very necessary.

But on with stuff, in particular some new music. Had a few new CDs come my way recently and today in the post it was the turn of this one, tip-top first impressions but demands a bit more attention I feel. And, someone who I've heard of but never actually heard before, the slightly off and otherworldly sound of Liz Harris AKA Grouper. Opening track from her 'Dragging A Dead Deer Up A Hill' album here. File under (new genre warning!) Murky Ambient.

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