
By uhhuh


Today saw me getting up early again, and getting breakfast with my parents. Bacon and eggs... yum. Then getting the tube (which is really weird and different to the Paris metro... you don?t even get phone reception! Terrible.) to London Zoo. Though it was drizzly and a bit miserable, I had a lovely walk through Regents Park and waited for the family.

Zoos are amazing. Made even better by over-excited 6 year olds! My brother and I used to love poisonous frogs because of their amazing colours, so I thought I?d take a photo of them ? And hilarity ensued when my glasses steamed up as we went into the butterfly house!

After the zoo, we went to a really nice Italian restaurant, and afterwards I left to meet my parents. My mum and I went on a huge shopping trip to Topshop, Urban Outfitters and a whole load of other places, and then we met my dad at the cinema to see Black Swan.

What a mistake of a film to see with your parents! It was also super creepy... I appreciate that it was very well shot, Portman was good and that there was a lot of symbolism etc... But it was still super creepy. I?m still freaked out when I look in the mirror... Or at nail files! If you don?t like slightly creepy films, then I definitely wouldn?t suggest this one.

Then to a Moroccan restaurant where a belly dancer came into the room and danced for us all... That was a bit awkward, but the hummus was good! Wondered around the Thames for a bit with my dad, then went back to the hotel.

Oh, and finally got camera charger back, so this marks the end of my phone photo ?series?!

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