
By esmoquin


2 more days!
Packing and organizing is taking up most of my days. I wish I had been able to meet up with more people while I was here but winter break did not help much. There are still many people I want to meet up with and more whom I miss very much.

Today I visited the place where I used to work. The place did not change much nor the people but it was wonderful to see them again. There were new faces and after all the introductions were done, we talked over a nice cup of tea. This is a blip of the soap they made along with vegetable seeds. Honestly, I don't know where or how I'll be able to grow them but I thanked them and gave them my best.

Such warm people! I felt like I was stepping out into the sunlight and many of my clouded thoughts cleared up. I decided what I was holding onto so dearly before, I had no need to. Nothing can be restricted and confined to its little space, and everything moves on regardless. Embrace what happens.

I am happy.

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