How To Be a Better Mom

My daughter didn't want to go to her karate lesson today, so it was with some whining, arguing, and tears on her part that I finally coaxed her into her uniform and steered her toward the car.

"You're not the best mom in the world," she informed me as she refused to put on her boots and coat.

"I'm not?" I'm told at least four or five times a week that I am the best mom in the world. I could guess why I had been demoted.

"No," she said with a pout.

"Well, what do you think I could do to be a better mom?"

"You could have a daughter who's not so naughty," she said in a more quiet voice.

I just laughed and told her I didn't think that would make me a better mom -- just a mom who's happier when trying to get out the door.


People were still digging out today. The piles of snow are mind-boggling.

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