Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Bodacious Burger

"Food is an important part of a balanced diet."

- Fran Lebowitz

It was a good day today. We spent a good chunk of it at Monkey Mania, a kids' playgroound place. Lots of running around and slides and climbing, and balls and basketball hoops and such. - They also have (slow, kid-speed) go-karts, and both Miss 5 and even Master 3 got to drive them all by themselves. They both did very very well. I took a few photos with my wife's Fuji Finepix compact, and was going to blip one despite it being grainy and low-light and so on, but then she went and made these stunning burgers for dinner. ;-)

Since I was quite pleased with myself for managing to keep the camera still enough in the relatively lacking light to get this quite sharp without the flash (I did take a shot with the flash but didn't like the way it looked), I decided I'd blip this instead (even though the food theme for the weekly challenge isn't for a while yet :-p )

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