The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliche

Well today was great. I missed all academic classes because we got to watch the movie The Patriot. That was great. I took my Guitar playing test today and I got a 99%! Which is great. I also finished my Industrial Tech project. We were making a gumball machine.

Well after school my boyfriend & I walked to our friend Dylan's house. We hung out there for like 2 1/2 hours. Then his Mom & Sister & Brother picked us up and we waited for my Mom to get to the IGA.

Well now im home and im looking at my grades for the end of this 9 weeks. My final grade for science was a 101%. Awesome! Then for Algebra, I brought my grade up to a 91%. Then Language & Reading I know I have A's in, but im not sure what the percent is. Hopefully I brought my History grade up for a 83% to a percent in the low 90's. But probably not. Well I'll find out when I get my grade card or they post the grades on Edline.

Anyways, my blip today is of my friend Kourtney & her camera. We were having a picture war during our little pizza party thing. It was so funny. Like 1/2 hour after lunch, we had to go to a pizza party. So I was already full from lunch & I got to eat more.

Well this is my blip. Hope you like it.

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