My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

At long last!!!

Well it's only taken me since 7pm to get this up here! So frustrating when we're packing suitcases in between it all!!

It's subsequently become my first back blip! Gah! Nevermind...

As it's officially the 1st Feb... we are flying today and hence the blip! (Which I had to reduce in size twice over tonight as blipfoto kept telling me it was over 2MB and it was not! *shakes fists*) Also.. when did the 2MB limit come in to play??

I had planned on starting the blip as follows:

Title: In to Africa

Some things in life move me, none more so than music and I could while away hours being transported through a range of moods and emotion as if I was drifting down a river on a little rickety raft.

A sad day for music, John Barry may you rest in peace... perhaps you'd like to listen here for a minute to one of his beautiful pieces of work.. quite fitting as it's where we are heading in 18 hours time. Out of Africa - John Barry

I'm so sorry I wont be able to stop by everyone's journals... I had planned to, but this was when I was trying to load this blip at 7pm.

Tomorrow I fear I might have to see what my iPhone can achieve (ps.. I can't change WB on the iPhone.. it was a say one thing and mean another issue in my brain!)

night night my lovelies!!

See ya soon!

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