
By rainie

No 8 Wire

No 8 Wire, is rather a iconic Kiwi thing......if anything is needed to hold up, tie up, fix up.....use no 8 wire. This is hanging on our sheepyard fence, well you just never know when it may be needed.

Today has been a horrible day, gale force winds, lots of damage, grumpy people, doors slamming etc etc. Its been very hot for the most of the day, but winds have changed direction and cooler now.

We are keeping a sharp on Cyclone Yasi, due to hit the north Queensland Coast tonight. They are calling in an event of catastophic proportions, catogary 5 cyclone, 300 km winds an hour. Our son lives in Townsville, just an hours drive south of where they predict the eye to hit. Fortunately for him & his wife, they are in NZ this week, but they are very worried about Kaylene's family and ofcourse their own home. We feel for all those people, it will be a terrible 24 hours for them to endure.....as if they haven't had enough with all the flooding over
previous weeks.

I thank you for the unbelievable response to yesterdays entry., I was really chuffed, thankyou :)


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