Today, at the Jedi Academy...


The Adventures of Yoda and Obi-Wallybob-Kenobi.

Sometimes, the generation gap becomes increasingly more obvious to Yoda and Wallybob.

Particular when so many of the Young Padawan learners know so little about important cultural icons.

Yoda was not amused to discover that a significant proportion (OFSTED speak) did not know who John Lennon was.

Nor did they know that he was assassinated 20 years ago.

Yoda WAS amused when a student was convinced that Lennon was in fact NOT dead, but had been seen playing the piano, live on the magic picture box at Christmas. Yoda assured her this was not possible, and maybe she had just seen video footage. But no. Definitely Lennon. Definitely alive.
"Yeah, it was definitely him. You know, the gay one who has just had a baby"
When Yoda picked herself up off the floor and dried her tears of laughter, she clarified that this was Elton John.

Yoda was also confused by the insistence by another student that John Lennon was in the Rolling Stones. "Come and see, I have it on my computer"
What they had was a picture of John Lennon on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

"The Rolling Stones do Heavy Metal music don't they?"
Yoda, finding her head in her hands for much of the previous five minutes said "No. Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden ...they are Heavy Metal bands"

"MEGADETH. Who are Megadeth?" said the incredulous padawan who clearly thought Yoda had made this up.

Seriously, Yoda thought. You come into the academy, refreshed after a decent night's sleep, ready to shape the hearts and minds of these young padawan learners with their brains, like sponges, ready to soak everything up. But no, instead, you get random conversations that leave your head spinning with dismay at their lack of knowledge of cultural icons and the dawning realisation that really, you might be getting on a bit!

Yoda needs wine. Sod the force!

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