And Now for a Bit of Color

Today's snowstorm didn't pack quite the punch as yesterday's, but it did get rather messy early this afternoon when the snow switched over to sleet, rain, and ice pellets. Back to snow by evening. Here's where we stood in terms of snowfall totals as of this morning. And that's in Boston where they get less snow than we do out where I live. I'm guessing we added another 8-9" today. Am a bit worried about our roof, but Mr. DH is confident it will hold all the snow and ice.

I just couldn't bring myself to take another snow photo. So here's my daughter's breakfast. That's one of the bright-spots of snow days--decadent hot breakfasts. I spent the rest of the day trying to keep cabin fever at bay. Made it outside long enough to re-shovel the dogs' pee path i.e. the path through the 40" or so of snow in the yard to the woods where they do their business. Spring feels like a lifetime away.

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