
By dailykeith

Cutting out the cancer

This is my final blip, I'm sad to say.

I've enjoyed it immensely, but in the past couple of days I have been exposed to the rancid underbelly of the internet and I don't care for it very much.

I've decided to cut out completely the cancer of social media - Facebook and Twitter accounts have already been scrapped, along with programs and apps associated with them.

And Blipfoto and Tumblr are going too - not because they contributed to the misery, but because I've completely lost the heart for them.

I just want to thank everyone who has shown interest in my journal. I really do appreciate it.

And thanks, too, for all your wonderful journals. There are some fantastic photographers and writers out there.

I was fortunate enough to get into the internet in its very early days, with my old colleague Rod. I remember us being incredibly excited about its potential as we navigated embryonic sites on our Macs.

What we didn't consider all those years ago was its potential for dross. And we never anticipated the social networking scum who perpetuate that dross while, at the same time, presenting a holier than thou face to the world.

I can just do without it, thanks.

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