
By SomeGuyInNJ

Squirrels like chocolate brownies


Another day another doctor. Our youngest was back at the doctors again today. Infection in both ears (again) 4th time in 4 months. Its time we went to see the Ear Nose and Throat specialist. I get the idea that she is going to need the tubes in her ears. Our eldest had to have them in the end, otherwise contant ear infections occur and speech etc can be delayed as the poor kid cant hear properly most of the time.

The squirrel was back again today. Maybe he just liked the bird seed yesterday and came back for more, or maybe he liked the look of the chocolate brownie I had put on the snow near the patio door to bait him with.

I think its the same squirrel. Although while I was thinking this another squirrel came along and todays blip squirrel scared it away, so I guess it may or may not be yesterdays. It looks as though the whiskers and the colors on the ears and around the eyes are the same, but who knows? Cant say I am an expert in our local squirrel society.

After yesterdays extreme close-up I thought I would go for a shot that showed the bushy tail well... Again the choice was tough... the alternates are up on flickr.

For those who were curious... yesterday title and first line were from Blackadder II the Money episode... it was part of the tale that Edmund told the sailor... before the sailor asked for a price for a very different service.

Thanks for the great comments on yesterdays pic, hope you like todays as much :-)

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