
By SomeGuyInNJ

Squirry the Squirrel went Ni, Ni, Ni

... and they all went home for tea.

Large here
Alternates here

Editing done in Windows Live Photo Gallery rather thqan loading Photoshop Elements for some unknown reason.

Had a hard time choosing which one to use. I think I might have over tweeked some of them too. Now Ive actually wrtten the blip and come back to put the links in I thnk Ive chosen the wrong one... Not sure I should have chosen but I think that maybe the crop on this is too tight (though tight enables more detail in the image viewed on the journal page). Perhaps I should have chosen the wider crop of the same image?

Nice sunny day today.

Took Mrs SomeGuy to the orthopedic doctor (she cant drive herself with the sprained ankle) about her foot because the workers comp wants her to. For those outside the US, she had to use our insurance to actually get treatment but to get her company to cover the costs (including items like: paramedics $1500, they were called by somebody else and arrived before she even knew what was going on) it has to be claimed thru workers comp.

Its very badly sprained. She has to go back in 2 weeks for another look. Until then "light duties only". As her drive to work is over 45mins I think she'll be working at home for a few weeks.

Called in a new Indian restaurant on the way home to try their buffet lunch, wasnt bad (which is change for Indian food in the US). The little one did drop/throw rice everywhere though... not sure the owner was looking too pleased.

Anyone recognize the title and 1st line foer todays blip? :-)

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