Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Precariously Purple

Precarious as at the time I was balanced on the side step of my car, with the camera balanced on a kind of makeshift handbag/glove/car roof tripod combo trying to take a long exposure night shot.
Of course, as on the way to Tesco I didn't think to take my actual tripod, because I'm never going to need it, I'm only nipping out to Tesco, bugger that light is good, where's my sodding Gorrillapod!

Anyway as it didn't quite come out as planned, I had a play in Photo Editor and came up with this, which I quite like.
(well it's better than the shots of Haggis Pizza I had for tea, um, yeah I know, Haggis Pizza, that's what I thought too, but it's actually ok!)

Happy days, lesson learnt, never ever forget the tripod............

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