
By middleman


Coming to the end of a weekend where I've done very little. And spent a couple of hours asleep this afternoon, which is very unusual for me. Hopefully some more energy and general get-up-and-go will arrive from somewhere magical for tomorrow.

In fine mood though, helped by a double victory from Hull City yesterday and Liverpool today. In case I've lost some of the more sports-averse already I will just state that this doesn't happen very often. It's a sign for the week ahead, I can feel it.

Have listened to one record today, and one record only, (nice wee write-up here). It's a bunch from New Jersey called Big Troubles and although they're fresh and current they sound like some old indie outfit from the 90s. I like the production, it's not particularly pristine, it's barely even clean, but it packs quite an emotional punch and reminds me of all kinds of shoegazey, dreamy, ramshackle bands I used to really like. Several of the tracks on the album are real crackers, but this one's my outright favourite.

Right, got a date with my sofa and a DVD of that Banksy film. Best crack on...

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