
By rainie

Christmas Bows

After yesterday extreme temperature 40.3 deg C....guess what happened today!!!!??? Oh yes, heavy rain, cool winds and flooding throughout the district. OMG the weather world wide is extreme. The rain was so needed, but was very heavy and had a lot of run off, hence the flooding. My blipfinder is busy organising diggers, trucks etc to repair damaged roads today. The weather is now clearing and the sun is peeking...*sigh of happiness*

6.30am this morning I took this. It is the fancy wrapping of a Christmas box of lovely goodies, you know the kind, fancy jams, chutneys, wine, chocies - things you love to receive but never buy. In the cool of the evening I emptied these into the cupboard.

BBQ tonight for our photography club - we always start the year this way, thankfully the weather is going to be OK

Have a great day


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