Early riser

Pio woke me up at 6.30 this morning. He had decided that it was time for is day to start. Cousteau snored gently in the corner of my room. He opened an eye but didn't bother getting up. I let the cat out and gave him some food, then I snuck another hour in bed.

This shot was taken of my dining room table in the beautiful soft morning light. I would have missed it if Pio hadn't been such an early riser.

Then off to Mass.

Man, today was a scorcher! About 40 degrees C, I believe, in certain places. More like 34 where I was. Insane!

I spent a happy couple of hours sewing in the garden and then had a shower and went out for tea. A potluck dinner. Very nice.

Home to bed and some much needed sleep. Thanks to a noisy fan and a pill. Far to hot for sleep otherwise.


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