Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Faiz Ghar

meaning the House of Faiz. Faiz Ahmed Faiz was a renowned Pakistani Urdu Poet and this house is maintained by his children and grandchildren. This is where you can find everything about Faiz ... books, literature, his letters, images, awards, books etc etc ... a mini museum on Faiz.

I went there with my uncle to pick up invites for the 3 day colloquium being held for his centennial birth anniversary. Many renowned speakers are speaking on Faiz on this occasion including Shabana Azmi from our neighboring country India. Tina Sani, a very famous Pakistani singer will also be singing his Ghazals. I am looking forward to the event.

It was raining today and the roads were slippery. As I was driving to work after this brief visit, My car slipped and bumped into the car infront of me. I was shaken to the core but fortunately not much damage has been done to both the cars. I am still a bit shaken but am fine more or less and have no injuries.

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