Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen


Even though this is from the show Friday night, it was taken after midnight and therefore on Sat :P I also chose to post this instead of one that I took from the second show because I liked it better than any of the other ones I took. Mostly because I couldn't get any good shots at the second show. Way too crazy and hectic for me.

The show Sat night consisted of Woe of Tyrants and Dead will Rise. At least of the two we were around for.

During Woe of Tyrants, the bassists' bass broke and in his free time decided to jump offstage. Unfortunately into my face :\ I came away with a minor injury, but it sure hurt like hell upfront. After the frontal assault I retreated to the back of the bar where a few of my other friends I'd bumped into, were standing (away from the moshing and mayhem). Finding a booth to hide in I put my water bottle to my face, and thus prevented any swelling. It really didn't turn out to be a bad night. Yea I was a bit shaken and quiet for a while, but it was still a good night (before and after), and I ended up having a pretty good time :)

Achievements for the day: Guitar Hero III on Hard!!!! While having a few. ^-^ I was beaming and apparently rather squeaky :P

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