
By dark

A Fluffy White Substance (of mysterious origin)

You have to understand - we see snow so seldom here in Atlanta, that when it does fall, everyone goes a little bit crazy.

So when the flakes started fluttering down this afternoon about 4:30, everyone in town rushed to their cars to get home before they were snowed in for life. It was about a 20 minute wait just to get out of the parking deck.

Item No. 2 on the disaster checklist would be a hurried trip to the nearest grocery store - I'm sure as I write this, there's not a container of milk or a loaf of bread in any retail establishment within a hundred mile radius. I don't know why. That's just the way we operate here.

Never mind that the snow had already turned to rain less than three hours later, and there will surely be little trace of it ever having visited by the morning. Even the weather guys have been assuring us all day long (in those hushed tones reserved for true emergencies, of course) that there would almost certainly be no accumulation south of the mountains.

But almost certainly leaves a narrow opening, I guess, and it's that possibility, no matter how slim and remote, that we live for here.

So while everyone else was sitting in the traffic jams, trying to get home, I had a quick run round the neighborhood, before the light was completely gone, to memorialize this rare occasion photographically.

A few more shots:





More coverage of Blizzard 2008:


Light's snow link


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