
By Viewpoint

Watching the birds go by ...

At last I've made a start with writing the last of my online professional development units and I've been sitting in the conservatory in order to benefit from the extra light and the small amount of blue sky that materialised around lunchtime.

I actually felt I was making some progress today and that I'd got the structure right in my head. We've done quite a few of these CPD (continued professional development) units between us now and I often wonder if anyone finds them and if they do whether they can make any sense of them on the screen. (I know other people who blip also write this kind of online stuff so I'd be interested in any thoughts you have.)

The bird feeders are very close to where I was working today so inevitably I was distracted by the comings and goings of the birds. We have a small family of house sparrows in the garden and this female house sparrow, though not particularly rare, obligingly posed for me today. Two minutes later she had her full length in the feeder. I also heard a male greenfinch calling this afternoon - a sure sign that spring is coming. It's good to know they are around as it is quite a while since I last saw one on the feeders.

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