Chimney stacks and pots 4

Some really heavy rain this morning but cleared up this afternoon and there was even a bit of blue sky.

These chimneys and pots belong to some houses next to Cornist Hall in Flint.

Been on my course tonight, finding it difficult swapping between Mac and PC grrrrrrrrrrrr and my photosphop is not the same as the one I'm using there. It means I cant do any practising until I buy a different version so double grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Fed up now and demorolised

Just got home, poured a large glass of wine and now to watch a bit of TV.

Good news though, Paul has landed in Cyprus after about 20 hrs of travelling from Khandahar, stopped off in Oman and Jordan, all is well.

Enjoy your long free weekend and a couple of cold ones


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