Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Afternoon Shadows

Spent most of the day trying to get a gallery viewer to work in my Tea With Calvin web site. I had it up and running with some of my high contrast B&W mode photographs taken with the Ricoh but I wanted to add a colour gallery.

I added it all right but the thumbnails were horribly distorted. Despite setting a width of 160 pixels they kept defaulting to 15 pixels wide.

I guess that is one of the drawbacks when you work with free plug-ins and free templates. As the saying goes, You pays your money and takes your choice.

I have a feeling a recent update by Wordpress may well be the culprits as the plug-in forum had several postings today by people claiming that thumbnails were not displaying correctly.

And then if to add insult to injury, the initial gallery images became distorted and looked terrible.

Presentation is everything in the world today, so I had no option but to delete all galleries. I did not want the three people who view the site to see such a mess. :-)

I have instigated another plug-in but I am not happy with it. For one thing, each picture has to be uploaded individually rather than as a batch of images. I just hope the developer of the first plug-in implements a fix sooner rather than later.

As a result of all that frustration and wasted effort, it was late by the time I got to thinking about today's blip. And I did not feel much like venturing in the heady world that is Riverside. :-) You know me, I like the quiet life. And boy, don't I get it being stuck in Jacksonville. :-)

The shot I took was one I noticed a few days ago and thought to myself then that I would keep it in reserve for a day such as today. It features the shadows of morning glory leaves, I think I am correct on that one, on the fence in my back yard. Yes, it is the same fence that featured a few days ago with shadows of leaves.

I will come up with something more exciting and original tomorrow, I promise. :-)

B&W conversion with Silver Efex Pro in Photoshop CS3.

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