
By lorenzokun


I've finally started learning how to drive today. Having picked up my learners license a couple of years ago to avoid the new legislation which would make me have to log 200 hours of driving experience before moving onto a provisional license, the license will be expiring soon and renewing it would mean doing 200 hours. As it is, I need to complete 100 hours of driving by the time it expires, not to mention passing the driving exam. So in true PROcrastination fashion, I've only started now.

People frequently ask me why I've been so lazy with it. To begin with, I've never been enthusiastic about cars and the like and for me, the train has been convenient enough for it to not be a bother. Driving to uni would have meant worrying about parking and petrol costs, as well as a difference in daily travel time of about 30 minutes.

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