Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Love has no boundaries ...

... Humanity has no Geography

said by Dr. Arifa Syeda (seated extreme left. She is a professor of History at the university where I work) at the Faiz Centennial Celebrations which started today. An amazing gathering of people from the intellectual Community from Pakistan and India, including Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar, to name a few.

For more details, click here ...

P.S. Something happens to my exif when I convert from NEF to JPEG. Anybody knows what happens and how to fix this?

Translation of one of Faiz's poems I love:

We shall Witness
It is certain that we too, shall witness
the day that has been promised
of which has been written on the slate of eternity

...When the enormous mountains of tyranny
blow away like cotton.
Under our feet- the feet of the oppressed-
when the earth will pulsate deafeningly
and on the heads of our rulers
when lightning will strike.

From the abode of God
When icons of falsehood will be taken out,
When we- the faithful- who have been barred out of sacred places
will be seated on high cushions
When the crowns will be tossed,
When the thrones will be brought down.

Only The name will survive
Who cannot be seen but is also present
Who is the spectacle and the beholder, both
I am the Truth- the cry will rise,
Which is I, as well as you
And then God?s creation will rule
Which is I, as well as you

30 minute walk challenge (19/165): SUCCESS!!

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