Yet apologies

I suppose folks might get tired of see our dock, but I like hanging out there with other blippers. I guess we could attempt to find a new spot to photograph to death, but this one has all the goods: silhouettes, sunsets, birds, textures, contrasts...the list goes on. Plus pddesigns, Suzy's Scenes and I all pass it on our way home from work!

So I had two photos this one and one really similar to pddesigns and Suzy's Scenes. My other one was prettier than this, but I being last to post should probably just go with it. Not ubber exciting, but I like the details in the water and on the dock.

T'was a good day today. Didn't get much done at work, which is really beginning to worry me. The whole college has big hopes that I'm going to "fix" everything for our upcoming academic year. But I haven't been left alone in weeks and then got so sick. I'm frustrated to say the least. Tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity. Maybe I'll wear jeans and a t-shirt and hide in my office all day.

A late blip this is, as hubby was home. We were all due for some family time, and it was nice. Might happen again tomorrow. We shall see. :)

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