Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Window on the World 10

Thanks to a comment left yesterday by BS if my memory serves me rightl, I went back to my Window on the World today. For once the wind wasn't blowing too strongly and the guys who were ripping the place up with their earthworking machinery seem to have completed their work. All the barriers and the gear have been removed but the grass bank looks a bit the worse for wear in several spots. So, here we have number 10 in the series.

A footnote to my Lith Figure of two days ago. Thanks to all who commented. My favourite one was from GCleare who related that her boys call such pictures "Nakey Ladies". I love that. Typical of kids to have a sort of code for something which might be construed as a bit naughty.

However, nobody spotted my deliberate mistake. Well, it was deliberate, but not really a mistake. Take another look at it. Now try imagining it upside down. Now what is it? I was interested to see that the picture could be read either way up so I deliberately turned it upside down and posted it that way. It always pays, especially with anything which leans in the abstract direction, to look at it every way up, in and out, back to front even. You never know what you are going to see!!

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