Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Yellow Light

Made it through another week :) Result. First time in an age I have attended the office for 5 days on the bounce. Not something I would recommend!

Looking forward to spending a relaxing weekend with Mr Lif. We have a list for the weekend which involves many things, including decorating two loos. Hmm - we will see how that goes.

A grey overcast day and cold again so its an inside blip. The flowers are over two weeks old and in any other house they would be officially dead.....I have been ignoring them for a few days now. Guess its time to admit its over and bin them!

In other news my dear diva mates have been having fun on my facebook page, Cats and Dogs has taken it one step further dedicating her entire blip to the proposed event. Gotta love them - bunch of nutters :D

Time to relax and give Mr Lif a chance to blip too!

Have a great weekend

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