Still Life with Shovel!

A very strange and frustrating day here for Terry and me! We got over to the studio, with great excitement, to start the new kiln for the first time! read the directions again, and followed each step of the program! it started up! yippeee we said! off back into the house for breakfast and a short meditation! An hour later we headed back out to see how things were going.....they weren't!!! It had turned itself off.....and we had 'error' displayed on the computer! Long and short of it, Terry thinks that the person who built the kiln mixed up some wires ..... which Terry's pretty sure is the issue.....and one he can fix pretty easily! but we've decided to wait till monday, check in with the one who built it and take it from there. Don't want to screw up any warranty that is in place !!!

In other news, we have a couple staying in one of the cabins, with their two six month old black lab puppies....oh my god, they are very cute....Zoe and Sherlock didn't know quite what to make of it all....but after a few visits they all played quite well together!!

Just waiting for Terry to return from town....hope he got a good movie, i'm in the mood for something gripping :)

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