On My Doorstep

By bwhere

For My Wife

Ahead of Valentine's Day tomorrow I dedicate this blip to my Wife!

For yesterday's blip she had to make my costume. For today's blip she had to pose ad nauseam (and pull faces).

She posed with Boudica. She posed with the Gargoyle (that isn't me by the way).

But we eventually achieved this with some chuckles. I was testing my Speedlights, you see. I've got two now so I can arrange them more artistically*. Expect more "Studio" shots.

I'd like a Studio, by the way.

I was overwhelmed yesterday by visits and comments. Thank you, everyone. For someone who does not normally get such attention it was a treat.

Back to everyday blipping now!

But I am entering a new phase. I will be looking for a portal into a new dimension whilst blipping the journey.

* It isn't easy to understand the instructions for adjusting the Speedlights for off-camera use. But I got there in the end.

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