Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet


Look beyond the man, do not be deceived by the crutches.

This is my friend, who I shall call Mr N.
He's retired now, but is still the coolest dude on crutches I know!

He dropped by to see us today, and I can feel his frustration at his situation. But he keeps smiling, keeps swatting the fly of life's continual swarm with his groovy fly swat, and pulling the legs off those that are stupid enough to step into his ointment.

Todays blip was a spur of the moment, whip out the camera, and bless him, he put on a good show for the camera!

And why the title?

Because it's possibly the antipathy of St Valentine, who appears to have lost his way and lost some of his purpose. And become the patron saint of Hallmark and Interflora...........

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