
By middleman


Back home after a great weekend away. There was a CD in a familiar looking package on the mat when we came in and I casually chucked it onto a pile of post in the kitchen, thinking "I know what that is, I'll just open it later". Anyway, much later, after a trip to meet my folks who are in town this week (where we exchanged Christmas presents at last, long story...) I decided to open the post.

And, I've no idea how, but it had completely slipped my mind that I'd not only ordered the new PJ Harvey album but that it was out today. So, that particular CD rather than the one I was expecting has been on repeat since about 9pm now and I can report that it really is quite fabulous. Here's the title track, plus the terrific version she performed live on the Andrew Marr show last year, with Gordon Brown looking on, in suitably appreciative Prime Ministerial mode.

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