Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Three Little Rainbows

"Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece."

- Nadia Boulanger

My lack of attention this afternoon was in failing to realise that I had my camera set to manual focus, until after I took a number of shots of these lorikeets. I was in a rush so really didn't have time to get the diopter (?) setting for the viewfinder right and do the whole manual focusing thing, so when I realised it was on manual I clicked it to auto and fired off another few shots before heading off to the train station - in time to find that CityRail had inexplicably decided to vanish my train, so I had to wait for another. Most odd, and a little annoying.

Anyway, the lighting was terrible, looking as I was straight up the tree - so this is lightened and saturated, and contrast reduced and such - and my lens isn't long enough to get really close - so this is cropped.

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