The Underground Tour

By undergroundtour

English Grey

So I didn't blip all day today and ended up with the choices of the cat again or turning the camera on myself. So I decided that I would see what color my eyes really are up close. When I was a kid there was a big controversy between me and my grandmother over the color of my eyes. Both my mom, my grandmother and my sister have those brown eyes that border on black. My grandfather has very light blue eyes. My dad's are a light blue green.


Well that's a bit more complicated, and when I was young a topic of much debate. When I was in elementary school I was very attached to the idea that my eyes were green. Very exotic color. My mom said they were hazel which really was less than satisfying to me, because it didn't seem like a color as I learned colors in school. My grandmother however was convinced that I had "English grey" eyes. *laugh* My grandmother was born in Harbour Grace Newfoundland and was quite the Anglophile. I can remember many rounds over the kitchen table...

"english grey!"
"english grey!"

and at some point she would tussel my hair, smile indulgently and send me off to play, as if she knew better. My partner says they change color depending on the light or my mood, which I'm not sure about but of course J looks at my eyes more than I do. So today I decided to a closer look with my camera.

And you know?

They are a grey background, with some very interesting brown around the pupil that borders on reddish brown. In photos that are not as close up, the combined effect is a sort of greenish color from a distance. So perhaps we were both right, except my grandmother was looking closer. :-)

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