A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


Hey, look at Tuesday, what's she doing?

Did she lose an egg?

I'm just going to pretend like I don't see her doing that.

Today is my baby's 30th birthday. I sent her a card for a thirteenth birthday instead of a thirtieth. I don't know if she'll think it's funny or not. But man, I cannot believe she is 30.

I'm meeting some old work friends tonight for dinner. We worked together in the 90's, when my baby really was thirteen. It was an awesome job. I was a software trainer for a small independent dealer of medical management software. I learned a lot at that job, like management's attitude - good or bad - trickles down. I learned that management can offer trust and empowerment to its employees and it actually works for the betterment of all. One day they called us all in, one by one, and gave each of us 20% pay raises, for no apparent reason. The result was that we all worked harder and cared more and could be trusted with more responsibility. Then, a few years later, we were bought. Ahhhhh, those were the good ole days.

I'm sure we'll talk about those good ole days tonight. And maybe I'll tell some stories about soapmaking or chicken-keeping too, just to keep things interesting.

Happy birthday, my dear Nikki.

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