Watching you watching me

Working in the kitchen today, it was great to see the garden wildlife running and flying in the sun. The squirrels were very active, running through the trees, across the fence-posts and resting to attack the bird-feeders. I've discovered that they've gnawed a massive hole in the niger bird-seed feeder. Tch. Ah well, it's still feeding the animals.

I had my first spot of the wren this year. He/she appeared very forthright and determined on one of the branches of the apple tree. She was too quick for my camera, though.

The guinea pigs mowed the lawn all day and Whisky sat atop of the eglu watching over his kingdom.

A few men from a charity came to take away the wardrobe then said they didn't want it. It's a massive Ikea flat-pack number that will fit only a Victorian ceiling. The guys didn't have anyone who could put it together and they didn't want it cluttering up the loading bay. So, I went onto freecycle and found someone who needed a wardrobe. Fingers crossed, she's going to take it away tomorrow evening and we'll have a bit more space in the flat. I'm glad it's going to be of use to someone rather than gathering cat hair and dust in the living room.

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