Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

Lame Blip.

Lame Blips. Just like Lame Ducks they can, indeed, be shot.

I spent today helping John deinstall his exhib at EDGESpace. If you missed it, well, you are just not cool. But you can get the chance to see some of his work later this year, so you do get a chance to restore your coolness. Stay tuned for that! I'll announce as soon as I am allowed to do so (I'm not personally involved mind, just can't say anything til it has been made public).

I got food at the Everyman. Yummy. Almost as yummy as the food I cook. Sorry Paddy, but your staff just are not me. And I do cook. Well.

And...............I just found out!!!!!!!!!!

Dean, the bass player from my jazz band, now has a baby boy!!! Just got a text saying he'd been born two hours ago!!!

V v v v v stoked that everything sounds like it went well, and my mate now has a little son. Can't wait to meet the new Ravera. :-)

So, a lame blip. But a pretty freaking awesome day, in it's own sweet way. ;-P

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