
By angelicbrianne

A trip for lessons.

She took a trip to California because for some reason that state was calling her name. They say she lives in paradise, the get away for all types of people but in reality it's just home. Some place over the ocean with a family of tons... There is where paradise remains.

The island of beauty holds her home with her love inside. Her things hide behind the walls and her memories are being cherished everyday. Her pup runs around loving his surroundings and the feeling of being home is one that is unlike any other.

The California paradise holds a little something special... Family is the biggest treasure in the world. I think trips anywhere always leave you with at least one thing learned but this trip was not any ordinary trip.

Lessons learned:

1. You must learn either the hard or easy way in those that you know you can depend on. Giving someone my trust is very easy for me and this woman once told me that, that would be my biggest downfall. But I had to learn the hard way, the good thing about it though is that once you teach me that I can't trust you... You will never have my trust again. It may be easy to receive it the first time but not a second time. He left me stranded... Lesson learned, don't trust pricks.

2. Family is all you need to have a good time. I left knowing I had an awesome family the first time but today Im leaving heart broken. My family has the biggest arms to hold you, the biggest hearts to love you, the biggest opinions to guide you and the biggest personalities to protect you! I'm heart broken because I miss them already and they are the ones who make paradise the way it is. Lesson learned, if you ever adopt give your child the option to find their birth family, the odds were high but the outcome was a grand slam. So I say, take a chance and you could find something great! Like me.

3. Lastly I have the two cutest nephews an auntie could ever ask for. They have beautiful faces, strong personalities, and giggles that can warm you inside. I had one hour to actually get to know these charmers and I love them with every ounce of love I can. Lesson learned, be patient when your asking young ones to love you because when they finally do, it's wonderful!

Here I come Hawaii, a new woman, wish me safe travels.

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