Settling Down

By sloeginlin

There I Was, Digging This Hole...............

We found a leak from the water valve recently. Got Anglian Water out to see what needs doing and they surprised us by telling us that we dont have a stopcock anywhere to enable us to turn the water off in the house!

Today two nice guys turned up to find where the water pipe comes into the house, should have been an easy job, but it was eventually found by........ wait for it.....water divining, yes it really worked. I wouldnt have believed it, but I had a go as well and sure as eggs is eggs, it worked!!

Subsequently we are now the happy owners of a stockcock, but we also have two huge holes outside the front of the house. You wont believe what I am going to tell you, but the two guys today are only paid to dig one hole, but they had to dig two, and....we now have to wait, goodness knows how many days, for another team to backfill the holes. I know crazy isnt it!

I kept them happy with regular mugs of tea and biscuits and they went off home with fresh free range eggs too.


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