Sweet candy heaven

Welcome to number 2, Diabetic coma avenue.
Sweet candy heaven, by the way, is the name of a sweet shop. The contents of which are encrusting this beauty. What it lacks in architectural integrity it makes up in empty calories. And it has window-glass made of melted mints, and you can't get better than that. If No one entering the house tomorrow exclaims (preferably loudly)

I will be very upset. Such detailing deserves to be noticed. It's a shame the light isn't good enough to get a nice picture of it.

You see, one day the nut will notice that my culinary skills do not extend much beyond pies and biscuits. And one day when I collect him from school with a paint spattered face (like today) instead of running to me open armed and squealing with delight, he will hang his head with embarrassment as his scholarly peers laugh and jeer at his maternal misfortunes..but today, I am a very good parent

'Whats that?!' He asks.
'It's your birthday cake' I reply
'Birthday cake' He says 'HOUSE.. Biscuit.. Window... Door. STAR!!'

And he is happy, because those are all is favourite things.
And then the balloons arrive and his Nuttley joy is unsurpassed

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