A Super Day(ve)

Meet Super Dave Mouse. With all the balloons and cakes and friends coming over Mr Nut, whose principle education on such matters is cbeebies, was fairly convinced that it was his birthday (it's on Wednesday really) and that birthdays mean post, because that's what the cbeebies song says.. and very thankfully postman pat delivered a nice parcel from Finns good friend Julia.

He was perfectly happy with the giant matchbox, to be honest, but when he found the tiny mouse within he immediately say 'Hello, dave! It was the first of very many good presents to arrive today.

Mr Nut had a jolly lovely party, much chocolate and biscuit cake was consumed, and a lovely homemade lunch created by Daddy late last night and early this morning. Then his friend Theo stayed after the party because they had come all the way from Oxford to be there. I guess I should have taken lots of party shots if nothing else to document my brief moment of motherly glory but I didnt want to be behind the camera and it was dark anyway. Apparently Theo (snr), pinata destroyer extraordinaire approved of the gingerbread house (especially when I lit it up from the inside with a very small torch) and that's what counts.

When nearly everyone had gone Dave mouse came out of hiding (because Finn hid all his special toys upstairs to the party!). He has a pillow and an iggle piggle blanket and a little mattress. He went 'BOINGBOING' on the mattress and flew in the air so high that he flew around in the air. And you only need two helium balloons to make him fly so he is called SUPER DAVE MOUSE.

Also, super dave mice like to eat the little stars off gingerbread houses, especially the yellow ones. I feel I might forget the tiny details of this magical world so I have to record them here. He says 'Snack time' And sits next to Finn and Finn feeds him little stars and eats the gingerbread himself.

Frankly I was gutted that Mr Nut loves him so because I hoped to steal him for myself. But he is a dave, and he goes to bed with Finn, and not many toys reach Dave status, so he is special.

All in all, a day of much superness. Many thanks to his little pals for making the Fun, and especially the hard work of Mr Daddy who wasn't really feeling very well but did and excellent lunch and pass-the-parcel

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