
By mattleach


Went into Birmingham today following my quest to get out and do more at weekends. The more random the better!

They are running Gigglefest this week at Birmingham central library. I have to say my suggestion didn't go down well with Will who just wants to stay in and veg in front of the Xbox, whilst Mrs L saw this as an opportunity to fit more shopping in. Once it was agreed that we wouldn't visit any shops Will picked up a little whilst Mrs L went off the idea. I can't believe what a battle it's become to do things as a family.

We aimed to get up there for the main act but arrived early, in time to catch 'The Noise Next Door', who I have to say were brilliant! They even broke Will out of his sulk and crack a smile! Then the main act came on and was pants!

I preempted it all going horribly wrong so suggest we went to the museum over the road to see the Staffordshire Anglo Saxon Hoard that Will had been quite interested in as they were doing it at school when it was discovered. The museum is, as expected, an amazing building but I have to say, museums like this really need to update their presentation. We had an 'OK' time in there but there is very little appeal to the new generation of youth. The few interactive items are out of order and the whole place is just, well...dull.

I'm trying REALLY hard to get my family out doing stuff, together, trying to bring a little eduction or creativity to our run of the mill, rat race existence and it is amazing how little there is to excite them. I just hope better weather bring more options?

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