Super Knit Stitcher DS...

I got a new game for my DS today. The game is about an ancient japanese knitting tournament. You are paired off, one on one against other contestants in a winner stays on fight to the end of the jumper.

You can get through by just performing the standard garter stitches but if you really want to master it and become the champion you have to perfect the more complex purl and crochet stitches to outwit your opponent.

I've not completed it yet because I keep dropping stitches.


Notes on Knitting...
I used to be able to do basic knitting when I was younger and have since forgotten but with Mrs TFP doing a lot recently and the ridiculously intricate jumpers that Mrs TFP's Mum keeps coming up with, I thought I'd give it a try to re-learn it. I'm getting right into it and finding it brilliant for filling in wee otherwise empty time slots. Waiting for Bethany in her ballet lesson this morning just flew by just knocking out a few rows. It might turn into a new commute activity.

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