
By cracker

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Had a lovely day today! Kaz met with Den, her business partner in their property investing company, for a meeting this morning at 8am for a few hours so Nik, Spence and I mucked about in the morning and then went and visited Pop and Nana.

We came home for lunch then Nik left to go home and we went next door and visited Katie and Damon and told them our exciting news about buying the house! We left there about 3.30 and came home.

I realised after tea that I hadn't taken a photo yet so I got the camera out and started taking photos of Spence who was playing about. He was zooming around like an airplane when I took this one and then just after that I was still taking photos of him and he obviously didn't want me to so he said 'Stop clicking, it's for taking photos outside of flowers'!! Kaz and I laughed and I took a couple more of him so then he said 'Cut it out, it's not funny to take photos'!! It was pretty funny!!

Kaz and I are doing our renovation costing spreadsheet now so I had better get and help her!

Thank you to everyone who viewed, commented and favourited my church entry from yesterday!!

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