
By cracker

Christ Church Tarraville

Got home from night shift this morning and got straight into the car to go to Traralgon to look at a house and then down to Mum and dad's. We looked through the house and thought it looked pretty good so put an offer on it that afternoon. We heard back tonight that our offer was accepted!! So now we have a renovation project to plan and organise!!

We got down to Mum and Dad's for lunch. Dad was home so we chatted to him for a bit then Mum came home from work. It had been raining overnight and when it rains a lot the backyard floods. Spence thought it was great and had fun splashing and jumping in the water! I took heaps of photos of him and got some good ones with the water splashing up!

Kaz and I went for a drive along the coast and came across some historic markers and buildings including this church which is the oldest church in Gippsland! It's in a little town called Tarraville, just near Port Albert. It's hey day was around 1850 but now there are only a few of the buildings left.

My sister, Shell, and my new niece Ella came over tonight so that Kaz, Spence and my other sister Nik could meet Ella! Mum cooked roast pork and we played games and had a lovely time!

Thanks for all the comments, views and favourites for yesterday's blip! It even made the spotlight page!! Will try to comment when I can!

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