
By D77


On the way to see the doctor today, I saw three men pissing. Three! In full bloody view of anyone passing by. One opened his flies next to this rubbish bin and his pish was splashing all over the road (and his feet). It's bloody manky, it really is. There are quite a few signs popping up around Maadi encouraging people to keep the place clean ('New Egypt' and all that). I'm tempted to put a few up of my own.

The doctor was nice enough, and prescribed a whole load of pills to combat what has become some sort of infection (there's enough medication to make Bag-O-Pills twitch). At 250LE for a three minute consoltation though, I hope it's a while before I have to see him again.

The only other thing of note is that I lost my phone today, and promptly shat myself until I was reunited with it twenty minutes later courtesy of the taxi driver whose taxi I had inadvertantly left it in when it fell out of my pocket.

This is the last picture I took with it; a little bit of yellow and blue heaven just around the corner from the clinic. Nobody bothered me whilst I rattled off a few pics and so it's safe to say I shall pop back there at some point (the building, not the clinic).

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